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Cool project ideas for computer science - 2021

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Hi everyone! Here are some nice project ideas for those of you who want to implement projects and showcase in your college especially for final year computer science students. Most of the projects are done already by our internship students. Feel free to contact us for any assistance!

Android + web server backend*

Php backend*

  1. Fincorp: An app for tracking loans in small financial corporations

  2. ExamAppify: Application to automate registration,allotment and attendance in exams. Includes aadhar based authentication.
    3)Smart tailor: An app to help tailors and customers connect in a smart way. Customers choose a tailor, search for items, designs etc. and can book a request. Tailors can register, view requests, add/remove designs etc.

  3. WarehouseFinder: android app to find warehouses in a city, add, manage etc.

  4. Employee leave tracking and management(a little small)

  5. App commune: Android app to schedule meetings btw teachers and students.

  6. College notifier: An app to ease college and hostel admission, updating admission details etc.

  7. Library management app: QR code based books lending,tracking etc. tasks related to library.

  8. Smart Delivery: An intuitive app to assist courier delivery boys in efficiently delivering goods to customers. QR code for each location plus solving travelling salesman problem.

  9. Healthy minds: Stress level identification through questionaire and remedy. Interaction with doctors too

  10. SmartCSE - student faculty interaction app with mutual messaging, notes upload, question paper etc.

Android + Python Backend:

  1. Share my food- food sharing app to prevent food wastage
  2. Andro Dairy- Dairy management app with Kannada support
  3. Farmvisor: An app for helping farmers buy/rent/sell machines, crops etc. with kannada support.
  4. Hostel finder/ PG finder: App to help students find PGs/Hostels, apply,rate etc.
  5. Aadhar based bus pass renewal and monitoring
  6. smart garbage track- location based garbage reporting
  7. Doctor appointment monitoring and doctor searching app
  8. Lost person finder: App to assist in searching for lost people.
  9. Party/Marriage hall booking app:
  10. Gym management app
  11. Smart Shop: QR code based shopping app to ease shopping at malls
  12. Smart Attendance: Android app with python backend. Image based attendance. Very high accuracy
  13. Smart Store: E commerce app with rating and graphical analysis

Web apps + Python backend:*

  1. QuickTravel: Interactive map-based searching for different tourist spots in india. Makes heavy use of google maps and places api. Filtering places based on categories like monuments, forests etc. Also reviews can be given by users for a place and Naive Bayes based sentiment prediction included.

  2. Musical Cryptography: Text to music and music to text conversion app

  3. HDMC complaint registration portal: Highly interactive complaint registration and tracking web app with sms notifications, charts, reports and map-based analysis

  4. Placement portal: A placement information updation and analysis app.

  5. Smart productify: App to identify common products through images and search in

  6. Simple job portal

  7. Automated website SEO analyser

  8. Automated facebook/twitter post search and analysis app

  9. News vocalizer: Web App to help blind people browse news online(using machine learning to classify articles)

  10. Kaushal Kendra manager: Web app to manage skill development centers

  11. Mandiram: web app to register temples, book online seva etc.

  12. APMC manager: App to manage food grain procuring at APMC

  13. Shala Mitra - music school management app

Web app (php):

  1. A full banking web app with all important banking tasks implemented.
  2. Muncipality complaint registration and monitoring
  3. Dairy Management
  4. Hotel house keeping application
  5. Hotel laundry management application
  6. College event management app with certification generation
  7. KPTCL app to manage lineman works

Web apps: (JSP)

  1. Online Secure Book Store: JSP app to securely order books. Main feature is implementation of encryption algo and recommendation engine.
  2. Doctor Assist: Predicting medication to patients using SPADE data mining algorithm.

Java (Android)

  1. Remote PC control: App to control PC from mobile,share files etc.
  2. SMS based Android app controlling and information retrieval

IOT + android+python: .

  1. Automated bus pass generation and monitoring with RFID and RPy(non IOT version available too)
  2. Bike tracking app. Real time tracking of vehicle using Raspberry pi and android.
  3. Remote patient monitoring
  4. Home automation using Raspberry pi.
  5. ATM security through finger print recognition. SURF based fingerprint matching

Nodejs + Android:

  1. Asset Management software + app: To help audit/track assets like chair, table etc. in offices

Nodejs web app:

  1. Hotel Housekeeping System
  2. Voice based email sending web app
  3. Household helper finder - Add common service people like electrician, carpenter etc. Option for rating and message sending
  4. Car rental system - database mongodb, route finding provided
  5. Graph theory tutor - interactive tutor to teach graph theory to cs students

Nodejs+React Native

  1. Exam management software to manage seat allocation in exams for colleges

Misc: 4) Enshrine: Alziemer patient assistant android app with firebase backend 5) Cloud security through third party auditing(Python) 6) fingerprint based college election system(PHP + java) 7) Two factor security with fingerprint for cloud storage(Python)

Image processing+ data mining(python)+Machine Learning:

  1. Blood cancer detecting
  2. Periodontitis( a dental disease) detection
  3. Ground nut variety detection
  4. Automated blood spatter analysis: Analysis of crime scene based on blood spill images
  5. Brain haemorrage/tumor detection
  6. Hand written character recognition using HOG features
  7. Real time vehicle detection and tracking in videos
  8. Vegetable recognition and classification 10)Alzeimer disease identification from images
  9. Skin cancer identification
  10. Feedback analyser 14)Fake image identification using neural networks(Java) 15)Age prediction using LBP features 16)Smart toll: Number plate recognition
  11. Real time twitter chat bot account identification using bag of words
  12. Real time phising website recognizer using machine learning
  13. News vocalizer: Web App to help blind people browse news online(using machine learning to classify articles)
  14. Cyber bullying complaint registration and tracking portal-Machine learning based automated abusive content detection
  15. Voice based gender recognition
  16. Voice sentiment analysis
  17. voice based user identification
  18. content based YouTube video recommendation
  19. twitter chatbot account identification using machine learning
  20. Sign language identification using deep learning 21)Content filtering based product recommender system 22)Speech to sql - Interactive humane querying of database through speech
  21. QuickTravel: Interactive map-based searching for different tourist spots in india. Makes heavy use of google maps and places api. Filtering places based on categories like monuments, forests etc. Also reviews can be given by users for a place and Naive Bayes based sentiment prediction included. 24)Smart productify: App to identify common products through images and search in
  22. Person recognition using gait - ie. walking style
  23. Predicting disease using symptoms
  24. Flower classification using ML
  25. Fertilizer and crop prediction using Machine Learning (with android app)
  26. Medical disease prediction using symptoms
  27. Detecting suicidal tendencies through tweets using machine learning
  28. Covid 19 detection through images
  29. Signature verification through deep learning
  30. Live age, gender, person identification using deep learning
  31. Scene text based image classification and retrieval
  32. Identifiying contextual mean(sense) of words in english sentences using NLP *All normal machine learning projects can also be implemented using deep learning techniques

Nodejs + Android:

  1. Asset Management software + app: To help audit/track assets like chair, table etc. in offices

Nodejs+React Native

  1. Exam management software to manage seat allocation in exams for colleges

Deep Learning:

  1. Fruit classification using custom resnet classifier
  2. Sign Language detection: to help mute people communicate through signs. Includes voice support
  3. Leaf disease detection
  4. Celebrity face identification and extraction from images/videos
  5. Household item recognition from image
  6. Emotion based song player: With android app 7)Pneumonia classification from chest x-ray images
  7. Malaria cell classification using CNN
  8. Honeybee species classification with Deep Learning
  9. Identifying monkey species
  10. Celebrity Finder- App to recognize celebrities in image from face
  11. English handwritten character recognition+digit recognition
  12. Bit coin price prediction using CNN
  13. Cervical cancer recognition using CNN
  14. Plant leaf recognition using deep learning
  15. Human activity recognition - like sitting, standing etc
  16. Cervical cancer identification using Transfer Learning
  17. Brain Tumor identification using MaskRCNN
  18. Identification of rbc and wbc in blood
  19. Thoracic disease identification using transfer learning
  20. Video summary using person recognition
  21. Pothole recognition in video using MaskRCNN


  1. Travel booking web application using Mongodb, Nodejs


  1. Hotel housekeeping web application in nodejs
  2. Graph theory tutor - interactive tutor to teach graph theory to cs students
  3. Enshrine: Alziemer patient assistant android app with firebase backend(Java)
  4. Cloud security through third party auditing(Python)
  5. fingerprint based college election system(PHP + java)
  6. Two factor security with fingerprint for cloud storage(Python)
  7. Demonstrating SQL injection attack and its prevention(PHP)
  8. Secure User Authentication using 3-stage security with graphical password
  9. Signature verificaition using deep learning

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